How Do I Submit Post-Submission Materials for My Application?

September 3, 2020

Post-submission materials are those submitted after submission of the grant application but prior to initial peer review. They are not intended to correct oversights or errors discovered after submission of the application, but rather allow applicants the opportunity to respond to unforeseen events. Our policy on post-submission materials outlines allowable materials and how to submit them. The steps to submit these materials are summarized here.

What Are the Reporting Requirements for the Inclusion Across the Lifespan Policy?

August 26, 2020

The Inclusion Across the Lifespan policy requires submission of de-identified individual-level participant data, including participant age at enrollment, in progress reports. Wondering how to provide individual-level inclusion data? Use the template file provided on the Inclusion Enrollment Report in the Human Subjects System.

What Is a “Rolling” Submission Date?

July 1, 2020

With “rolling” submission dates, we define the first and last days applications will be accepted and you pick the day between them to submit your application. This practice is not new, but it is more common with “emergency” or “urgent” funding opportunities meant to get funding to the community as quickly as possible to address a critical need (e.g., COVID-19 Funding Opportunities Specific to COVID-19).

What happens if an institution has already submitted an application, and due to effects of COVID-19, some of the information needs to be revised?

April 17, 2020

Institutions affected by COVID-19 will be allowed to submit post-submission grant application materials to revise information that was submitted in an application as long as the materials are received at least fourteen days before the start of the review meeting. The post-submission grant application materials policy remains in effect. Only the types of materials allowed under the policy can be accepted. A letter of explanation (one page max.) is required.

A Blizzard Ate My Application! What Can I Do?

December 3, 2019

NIH has your back. We have a standing natural disaster policy that can protect you in the event a natural disaster such as a hurricane or blizzard closes your institution close to an application due date. If your institution closes due to an emergency, keeping you from being able to get your application in on time, document the reason in the cover letter of your application.