June 5th and June 12th Due Date Reminders

May 20, 2021

Both the June 5th standard due date for New R01 and U01 applications and the June 12th standard due date for New Research Career Development (K) applications fall on Saturdays this year causing each to shift to the following Monday (June 7th and June 14th).

What Is a “Rolling” Submission Date?

July 1, 2020

With “rolling” submission dates, we define the first and last days applications will be accepted and you pick the day between them to submit your application. This practice is not new, but it is more common with “emergency” or “urgent” funding opportunities meant to get funding to the community as quickly as possible to address a critical need (e.g., COVID-19 Funding Opportunities Specific to COVID-19).

Clarifying Due Dates vs. Expiration Dates on Funding Opportunity Announcements

February 3, 2020

An application due date is not the same as a funding
opportunity expiration date. If you submit on the expiration date – you’re
late, the opportunity has expired. The Key Dates section of each funding opportunity either
lists specific due dates or points to our table of standard
due dates. When standard due dates are used, applicants can submit
applications to any of the appropriate due dates up until the funding
opportunity announcement (FOA) expires.

A Grant Submission New Year’s Resolution

December 30, 2015

When it comes to submitting grant applications, the stakes are high – should a submission with errors come in too late, it may be too late to fix. Months of work are lost. Since grant applications are anxiety producing, it is only natural that people would avoid finishing them. But hard facts about how applications fare in peer review when they are submitted closer to the receipt date may give applicants the cognitive tools they need to overcome their inclination to delay. So let’s look at some data…