Trends in NIH-Supported Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research: FYs 2009-2022

October 31, 2023

I often hear concerns raised that NIH does not fund enough basic research, or enough applied research for that matter. Basically, the concerns center around what is the correct balance. It is an important point to consider, as a better understanding of these wider research areas can shed light on NIH’s approach to higher-level priority setting and funding decisions. To get at this question, we leveraged the Research, Condition, and Disease Classification (RCDC) system and looked at trends in NIH funding of these areas between fiscal years (FYs) 2009 and 2022.

NIH Inclusion Data by Research and Disease Category Now Available

May 6, 2019

For over two decades, NIH has required researchers to include women, members of racial and ethnic minority groups, and children in their work absent an acceptable scientific or ethical rationale for their exclusion. Now, for the first time, selected inclusion data on sex/gender and race/ethnicity are publicly available disaggregated for various research, condition, and disease areas.

RCDeCade: A Case Study to Show NIH Support Trends in an Emerging Scientific Field

August 2, 2018

A few weeks ago, we touted the value of the NIH’s Research, Condition, and Disease Classification (RCDC) system to give us consistent annual reporting on official research budget categories and the ability to see trends in spending over time. RCDC’s robust scientific validation process, which allows for such consistency, provides public transparency into over 280 different NIH budget categories.
RCDC categories do not encompass all types of biomedical research. So, how can we get this type of data for other research areas that are not encompassed in RCDC categories, especially those which are newly emerging fields? Are we able to use the same thesaurus-based classification system to explore other research trends?