Reminder to Review Accuracy of Grant Information Before October 11

October 3, 2019

We make data on all funded NIH grants available to the public on the RePORT website. One of the ways we provide information is by school/department, which you can explore using the Awards by Location feature. Because of inconsistencies in the way information on department and school names are provided in grant applications, grantee officials may want to make changes in how that information is reflected in NIH systems.

Linking ORCID Identifiers to eRA Profiles to Streamline Application Processes and to Enhance Tracking of Career Outcomes

August 5, 2019

Enter once, reuse often. That’s the mantra of Open Researcher and Contributor Identification (ORCID), a non-profit organization that promotes the use of its unique digital identifier to connect researchers with their science contributions over time and across changes of name, location and institutional affiliation. With this in mind, in fiscal year 2020, NIH will begin requiring individuals supported by training, fellowship, career development, and other research education awards to have an ORCID iD linked to their personal electronic Research Administration (eRA) account.

Redesigned eRA Website Provides New Resources

May 1, 2019

A newly revamped eRA website that serves as an informational gateway to applicants, grantees and reviewers was launched April 30. The site provides new and updated ‘how-to’ information on navigating eRA systems like eRA Commons, ASSIST, IAR, xTrain and xTRACT; intuitive navigation; and improved accessibility.