New Decision Matrix Further Clarifies NIH Processes for Handling Allegations of Foreign Interference

Today NIH issued a decision matrix for assessing potential foreign interference as part of its ongoing efforts to be transparent about its policies and procedures. The decision matrix builds on the detailed information already available on our site and also offers additional detail as to how NIH considers whether to contact institutions to request additional information.

How Implementing a 2022 Law is Helping Us Ensure Safe and Respectful Workplaces

Nearly two years ago, we implemented a provision in law that requires NIH grant recipients to notify us when their senior key personnel on awards are removed from their position or are otherwise disciplined due to concerns about harassment, bullying, retaliation, or hostile working conditions. Here we provide an update on implementation of Section 239.

NIH All About Grants Podcast: Ensuring Safe and Respectful Workplaces

This NIH All About Grants podcast episode explores how we at NIH aim to ensure a safe and respectful workplace wherever NIH-funded work is conducted. Drs. Patricia Valdez and Elyse Sullivan, Research Integrity Officers with the NIH Office of Extramural Research, explain more in this conversation.

Whistleblower Training for NIH Grant and Contract Recipients

Whistleblowers help the government recoup funds and prevent additional wrongdoing. The HHS Office of Inspector General developed several video resources to help someone report wrongdoing related to a grant or contract, or even retaliation as a result of making such a report or filing a complaint.

Case Study in Research Integrity – Banned From Supervising, Can’t Go in Lab, but No Impact on NIH Funded Research?

We have seen rising numbers of allegations related to harassment, discrimination, and hostile work environments since 2018 (when we first started tracking them). In many cases, we successfully work with recipient institutions to put appropriate measures in place to address unsafe working environments. However, too often we hear from institutions that a PI has violated the institution’s policies and is no longer permitted to supervise students or staff, but there will be “no impact on NIH-funded work.” We have a problem with this response.

Learn More About UNITE’s Progress Towards Ensuring Equity and Opportunity in Biomedical Research

The UNITE E Committee recently updated the research community on their progress towards creating a “multipronged strategy to advance racial equity and create the most inclusive biomedical research environment possible.” We wanted to briefly share a few of their efforts here.

Trends in Extramural Research Integrity Allegations Received at NIH

At the start of the year, we briefly touched on our efforts to address research integrity violations in our 2022 Year In Review. Today we are sharing some more information on the overall trends in research integrity allegations associated with the NIH grants process.

Recommendations for Proactively Addressing Authorship Disputes

Sometimes disagreements about authorship cannot be avoided, and many have likely seen it up close. They can be handled thoughtfully and appropriately. But when they are not, they may lead to serious consequences for the people and research involved. Here, we will look at this issue more closely and reflect on how to proactively address them.