Broadening the Pool of NIH Reviewers

January 27, 2020

The scientific peer review process benefits greatly when the study section reviewers bring not only strong scientific qualifications and expertise, but also a broad range of backgrounds and varying scientific perspectives. Bringing new viewpoints into the process replenishes and refreshes the study section, enhancing the quality of its output.

Case Study in Review Integrity: Asking for Favorable Treatment

January 10, 2020

What happens when a former colleague contacts you, a reviewer, out of the blue to ask if the application on which he is a principal investigator could be treated favorably at the review meeting? Do you brush off the investigator and figure you will not let the contact influence your review of that application? Or do you instead immediately notify NIH? Intrigued? We have a case for you (based on true stories, details have been changed slightly and names have been fictionalized). Read on.

Case Study in Review Integrity: Undisclosed Conflict of Interest

November 12, 2019

This series aims to raise awareness and inspire creative problem solving of the challenges in maintaining integrity in peer review. In this case, Dr. Smith, who is being considered as a reviewer for the application, is a professional associate of Dr. Jones, the PI on the application. However, Dr. Smith had not declared a conflict with that application.

New “All About Grants” Podcast on Managing Conflicts of Interest in Peer Review

October 28, 2019

In this next installment of the NIH’s All About Grants podcast series, we talk about how NIH manages conflicts of interest to ensure that we maintain integrity throughout the peer review process. Sally Amero, Ph.D., NIH’s Review Policy Officer, joins us and explains why it is important to manage these conflicts, what is and is not a potential conflict, how to disclose conflicts, and who is involved throughout the peer review process.

New “All About Grants” Podcast on Maintaining Confidentiality in Peer Review

April 9, 2019

Confidentiality is at the core of ensuring research ideas submitted in grant applications are protected. In this next installment of the NIH’s All About Grants podcast series, Sally Amero, Ph.D., NIH’s Review Policy Officer, discusses how NIH strives to maintain the highest levels of confidentiality and integrity in the peer review process.

Your Grant Application Questions Answered in New NIH Center for Scientific Review Videos

October 4, 2018

Curious about how NIH grant applications are reviewed? Get a front row seat to the peer review process in this video created by the NIH Center for Scientific Review (CSR). Investigators will get insights into how applications are reviewed so they can better enhance and advance their applications in the NIH peer review process.

When to Share or When Not to Share, that is the Privacy Question

June 29, 2018

Looking for a grant award you heard about? Go here! Perhaps how many trainees NIH supported? You got it! Research spending on a certain disease? Done! Comparing NIH to another federal funder? Look no further! As you can see, NIH shares a quite diverse array of data associated with our funded grants in a transparent way. But, that does not mean we share everything.