January 11, 2023
Many NIH funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) have multiple due dates each year for up to three years. A lot can change over three years, so revisit your FOA within 30 days of your due date (pay extra attention to the Related Notices section) and you can ensure you are aware of the latest requirements before finalizing and submitting your application.
December 14, 2022
We are excited to announce the release of a new funding opportunity aimed at strengthening the NIH Proof of Concept Network, an academic innovation ecosystem converting scientific discoveries into biomedical products at over 79 research institutions across 19 states. The funding will be used to stand up five new hubs that will increase research and development impact as well as stimulate regional innovation partnerships.
September 16, 2022
What better way to ring in the weekend than with a table of contents of the latest funding opportunities and policy notices from across NIH? Subscribe to receive the weekly table of contents emails from the NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts, including direct links to all funding opportunities and notices published during the week.
March 23, 2022
Other Transactions are a unique type of legal funding instrument. Through unconventional processes, Other Transactions allow us to address rapidly evolving research areas.
July 1, 2021
The NIH Research Enhancement Award (R15) supports small-scale research projects at educational institutions that provide baccalaureate or advanced degrees for a significant number of the Nation’s research scientists but that have not been major recipients of NIH support.
April 23, 2021
As you begin your journey in search of NIH grant funding, it is important to understand the structure of NIH to find the best fit for your research.
February 2, 2021
We have begun posting research opportunities with a new, friendlier table format for the Key Dates section. The table format allows readers to easily identify the available due dates in each review and award cycle.
November 9, 2020
Stephen I. Katz, M.D., Ph.D., led the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases from 1995 until his passing in 2018. Dr. Katz was a talented physician scientist, NIH leader, and civil servant throughout his career who was profoundly dedicated to mentoring and training the next cadre of scientists. During his memorial service at NIH, you can see this dedication on full display. I, along with countless NIH colleagues, were blessed with Dr. Katz’s mentoring and sage advice. That is why, in his honor, we are pleased to announce the publication of Funding Opportunity Announcements for the Stephen I. Katz Early Stage Investigator Research Project Grant program .
October 5, 2020
Going forward, you will no longer see individual Notices of Special Interest (NOSIs) cross-referenced in the Related Notices section of the funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) they use for application submission. Instead, FOAs identified for use with NOSIs will include a single link at the top of the Related Notices section that takes you to two NOSI tables – one for active and another for expired NOSIs associated with the FOA. The table format enables you to see, at a glance, the NOSIs that are still active along with the expiration date, activity code(s), and participating organizations.
June 3, 2020
Many NOSIs designate parent announcements for application submission and most of our parent announcements were recently reissued with updated language and application forms (FORMS-F). So, checking the status of the designated FOA prior to submission is now more important than ever.