April 3, 2024
RePORTER’s Quick Search is helpful for performing simple queries. Advanced Search allows you to use precisely defined data fields when searching for NIH funded research. Thus, there may be differences in the results that are obtained when using both distinct search options.
March 25, 2024
From 2014 to 2018, the NIH budget increased every year, and yet, the Research Project Grant (RPG) success rate remained relatively constant at ~20%. From 2003 to 2006 the NIH budget remained relatively flat, yet the success rate decreased dramatically from 30% to 20%. Why don’t success rates neatly track the NIH budget?
March 6, 2024
We are pleased to share our annual snapshot of how many researchers NIH supports. Our cumulative investigator rate is an NIH-wide person-based metric, calculated as the number of unique principal investigators designated on an NIH research project grant award, divided by the number of unique principal investigators who were designated on applications over a five-year period.
February 16, 2024
In a world of rapidly changing digital expectations, new formats to access and store information, and a dynamic biomedical landscape, users want to connect to data across an abundant, widely available, and growing ecosystem of biomedical research with one click. That is the future we are working to create by leveling up our dataset discovery technology to better understand user expectations and enhance the user experience.
October 31, 2023
I often hear concerns raised that NIH does not fund enough basic research, or enough applied research for that matter. Basically, the concerns center around what is the correct balance. It is an important point to consider, as a better understanding of these wider research areas can shed light on NIH’s approach to higher-level priority setting and funding decisions. To get at this question, we leveraged the Research, Condition, and Disease Classification (RCDC) system and looked at trends in NIH funding of these areas between fiscal years (FYs) 2009 and 2022.
July 13, 2023
NIH is the largest public funder of biomedical research in the world, which also means we have a lot of funding data! To get at-a-glance graphics and tables of NIH funding trends on grant awards, you can explore the NIH Data Book.
June 5, 2023
Over the past two years, we supported 1,412 early stage investigators (ESIs) in fiscal year (FY) 2020 and 1,513 in FY 2021, which were both all-time highs. These ESIs were first-time Principal Investigators (PIs) designated on type 1 (new) R01-equivalent awards. Today, we are pleased to announce that even more ESIs were supported in FY 2022 as part of our continued Next Generation Researchers Initiative (NGRI) efforts.
May 9, 2023
We often recommend the NIH RePORT (Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools) site to applicants & awardees because it publicly provides reports, data, and analyses of NIH research activities. But there are also other federal databases available to learn more about funding at NIH and other federal agencies.
May 3, 2023
NIH is launching a pilot on May 15, 2023, to improve the quality, accuracy, and transparency of project data for awarded NIH R&D contracts to promote the highest level of public accountability (see NIH Guide Notice NOT-OD-23-115). Six contract vendors have been selected to participate in the pilot. These vendors will directly enter select project data … Continue reading “Pilot Starting May 15 to Improve NIH R&D Contracts Project Data”