Many New and Updated COVID-19 FAQs
All COVID-19 FAQs were reviewed and revised to align with NIH Implementation of OMB Memorandum M-20-26.
All COVID-19 FAQs were reviewed and revised to align with NIH Implementation of OMB Memorandum M-20-26.
With “rolling” submission dates, we define the first and last days applications will be accepted and you pick the day between them to submit your application. This practice is not new, but it is more common with “emergency” or “urgent” funding opportunities meant to get funding to the community as quickly as possible to address a critical need (e.g., COVID-19 Funding Opportunities Specific to COVID-19).
Consistent with the Inclusion Across the Lifespan policy, recipients are now required to submit participant-level data on sex/gender, race, ethnicity, and age at enrollment in progress reports. This applies to applications submitted for due dates January 25, 2019 or later. Recipients must upload participant-level data in the Human Subjects System (HSS) using the template provided. … Continue reading “Inclusion Reporting and FORMS-F”
Don’t forget that when an application due date falls on a weekend or federal holiday, the due date shifts to the next business day, according to our submission policies. Therefore, the standard July 5, 2020 R01/U01 due date moves to Monday, July 6, 2020.
We just announced three important updates to our administrative supplement submission policies: effective immediately, NIH will begin accepting administrative supplement applications for multi-project awards electronically; and effective July 25, 2020, all supplement applications to existing single and multi-project awards must be submitted electronically and the streamlined submission method through the eRA Commons will be discontinued and replaced.
NIH just announced that, like Requests for Applications (RFAs), Program Announcements with special receipt, referral, and/or review considerations (PARs) and Program Announcements with set-aside funds (PASs) may now include criteria that would make an application non-responsive (i.e., outside the scope of the PAR/PAS).
If there are concerns that sexual harassment is affecting an NIH-funded project, we want to know about it. NIH takes the same rigorous approach to addressing allegations involving sexual harassment as we do other integrity issues. We have added a web page that highlights the detailed steps NIH takes when we receive notification of a concern.
Beginning January 1, 2021, respective to NIH grant awards that require submission of an FFR, NIH grant recipients will be required to submit the SF-425 Federal Financial Report (FFR) in the Payment Management System (PMS) as opposed to the eRA Commons/FFR Module.
Ever figured out a clever solution to a vexing challenge that affected the rigor of your work with laboratory animals, and then thought that those solutions could improve the quality and transparency of animal research supported across NIH? Recently found yourself at virtual lab meetings brainstorming ways to facilitate translating the findings from your animal study to human biology and disease? Questioned the status quo on how the research culture drives the choice of animal models and the design of experiments? Well, we want to know more.
Effective June 24, 2020, summary statements and overall impact scores for grant applications will be available on the eRA Commons Status Information screen to users with the signing official (SO) role. Currently, only principal investigators can view the scores and summary statements.