How Does NIH Determine Which Senior/Key Personnel are Named on the Award?

January 31, 2013

All PD/PI(s) are named in the Notice of Award (NoA). NIH program officials use discretion in identifying in the NoA senior/key personnel other than the PD/PI(s). Generally, these are individuals whom the IC considers critical to the project, i.e., their absence from the project would be expected to impact the approved scope of the project. Change in status of senior/key personnel named in the NoA requires prior written approval from the NIH.

Should a Consultant Be Designated as Senior/Key Personnel in My Grant Application?

January 30, 2013

Generally, a consultant is not considered senior/key personnel. However, if the consultant contributes to the scientific development or execution of a project substantively and measurably, he/she should be designated as senior/key personnel and would be included in the Senior/Key Person Profile Component. To learn more about including personnel on grant applications and progress reports, see our many FAQs on Senior/Key personnel.

How Do I Know Which Budget Format to Use?

October 29, 2012

First, you need to check the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA).  If the budget format is not mentioned in the FOA, then you need to review the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide’s Section 4.6 “Selecting the Appropriate Budget Component” (p. I-73).  Factors  to consider in selecting the appropriate budget component include:   activity code application’s annual direct costs whether the applicant organization is domestic or … Continue reading “How Do I Know Which Budget Format to Use?”

May I Still Use Forms Which Are Past the Expiration Date?

September 24, 2012

NIH recently issued a Notice on the availability of newly revised forms and instructions for post-award documents, including interim and final progress reports. Revised Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) forms are also now available. Revised competing applications and instructions are expected to be implemented in the summer of 2013, following electronic development of applicable … Continue reading “May I Still Use Forms Which Are Past the Expiration Date?”

How Often Do I Need to Update My System of Awards Management (SAM) Registration?

September 21, 2012

Your SAM registration (formerly CCR registration) needs to be renewed at least annually. Remember, all registrations and renewals must be complete to submit an application to NIH. NOTE: Once you update your record in SAM, it will take 48 to 72 hours to complete just like it did in CCR. You will be notified via email … Continue reading “How Often Do I Need to Update My System of Awards Management (SAM) Registration?”