Creating People and System-Friendly PDF Attachments

June 30, 2021

Grant applications, Just-in-Time information, and progress reports all require PDF attachments as part of their submissions. Since both people and systems are consumers of the information conveyed through these attachments, we depend on applicants and recipients to follow a set of formatting ground rules that facilitate readability as well as timely and successful system processing. 

Writing An Effective “K” Application: A Video Guide

January 28, 2021

Do you need some guidance on preparing a K Award application for the NIH? Dr. Kay Lund, Director of Division of Biomedical Research Workforce, gives some great tips in a 25-minute YouTube video, “Writing an Effective ‘K’ Application.” It is designed for junior investigators and those who assist in the preparation of the scientific portions of an application.

Extended Guidance for Applicants Preparing Applications During the COVID-19 Pandemic

December 1, 2020

NIH grant applications should NOT include contingency plans that would outline steps needed to recover from temporary, emergency situations, or institutional return-to-the-workplace plans, resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Contingency plans will not be considered in peer review but, if needed, COVID-19 contingency plans will be requested and carefully considered by NIH staff before funding.

Program Officials Are Here to Help

October 5, 2020

Program Officials (POs) in the NIH institutes/centers (ICs) serve as your scientific and programmatic contacts. Among their many responsibilities, POs develop research and research training initiatives, write funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) to solicit applications in support of those initiatives, manage a scientific portfolio, and monitor grant progress. Although they can answer many questions, it is important to understand what a PO can and can’t do for you.

Can ESI Status Be Extended Due to Disruptions From COVID-19?

April 9, 2020

Yes. Be sure to describe the nature of the disruption to your research in your ESI extension request. We suggest you submit the request once you know how much research time was lost, unless your upcoming application deadline is imminent and an ESI extension is urgently needed. In this case you would be able to submit another extension once you know the full extent of the time lost. Check out this handy chart that breaks down what can or cannot impact your ESI status.

Clarifying Due Dates vs. Expiration Dates on Funding Opportunity Announcements

February 3, 2020

An application due date is not the same as a funding
opportunity expiration date. If you submit on the expiration date – you’re
late, the opportunity has expired. The Key Dates section of each funding opportunity either
lists specific due dates or points to our table of standard
due dates. When standard due dates are used, applicants can submit
applications to any of the appropriate due dates up until the funding
opportunity announcement (FOA) expires.