Inclusion Across the Lifespan II Workshop: September 2, 2020

July 31, 2020

Planning clinical research studies? Tune in to the Inclusion Across the Lifespan (IAL) II virtual workshop for evidence-based practical advice for meeting the new IAL policy, with a focus on pediatric and geriatric populations. Discussions will include considerations for special populations (e.g. racial/ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, rural/isolated populations, language minority individuals, pregnant and lactating women, people with co-morbidities, sexual and gender minorities, and other groups).

New to NIH Grants? Would a Workshop on Intellectual Property, Human Subjects, NIH Policy-Making, eRA, or an NIH Administrator’s Boot Camp Help?

July 11, 2019

If you’ve been searching for an opportunity to learn more about the NIH grants process and perhaps delve into more specific topics to help you do your job…then look no further! The NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration provides an array of pre-seminar workshops and sessions over the course of three days … Continue reading “New to NIH Grants? Would a Workshop on Intellectual Property, Human Subjects, NIH Policy-Making, eRA, or an NIH Administrator’s Boot Camp Help?”