Reach Out to NIH Staff – We’re Here to Help

May 9, 2018

We had the pleasure of interacting with over 900 applicants and grantees at last week’s NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration in Washington, DC. A recurring theme in many presentations was the importance of reaching out to NIH staff throughout the grant application and award process. Most folks know to call the … Continue reading “Reach Out to NIH Staff – We’re Here to Help”

Looking for a NIH Program Official in Your Research Area?

April 16, 2018

For years researchers have used the Matchmaker feature in NIH RePORTER to identify NIH-funded projects similar to their supplied abstracts, research bios, or other scientific text. Matchmaker was recently enhanced to make it just as easy to identify NIH program officials whose portfolios include projects in your research area.

Principal Investigators, Delegate!

March 12, 2018

Did you know that the eRA Commons allows principal investigators the ability to grant permission to have others at their institution help with some grants administration tasks?  You might want to consider whether delegating any or all of the following tasks is right for you…

May I Submit Citations of Newly-received Issued Patents Relevant to My Application as Post-submission Materials?

March 2, 2018

Yes. Citations of newly-received issued patents are allowable post-submission materials, because issuance of the patent is not in the control of the investigator. A citation of a patent must include the names of the inventors, patent title, issued patent number (including country designation, e.g, US for USA), filing date, and the date the patent was issued: … Continue reading “May I Submit Citations of Newly-received Issued Patents Relevant to My Application as Post-submission Materials?”

NIH from 10,000 Feet – 2015

May 28, 2015

If you are interested in the kinds of issues we discuss on Rock Talk, you might want to check out the video of my plenary presentation at the NIH Regional Seminar. I address the impact of NIH funded research and the challenges of the current NIH funding situation; highlight opportunities, new initiatives, and policy changes; and even discuss the blog.

Potential Delays to NIH Awards in May 2015

April 30, 2015

Due to software upgrades that impact NIH’s accounting and business systems, NIH’s ability to issue competing and non-competing awards may be delayed from May 19, 2015 until June 3, 2015. While many systems will remain accessible …. Downtime Means Adjusted December Due Dates

November 30, 2013 – the portal for grants submission across all Federal agencies, including NIH – is ready for a scheduled tune-up, and will be taken offline December 6 through December 9 for maintenance. As announced in an NIH Guide Notice earlier this month, NIH is adjusting due dates as follows: Funding Opportunity Original Due Date New Due … Continue reading “ Downtime Means Adjusted December Due Dates”

October 1, 2013

Due to a lapse in government funding, new posts and responses may not originate from this account until appropriations are enacted. If you are a grantee or a grant applicant looking for guidance, see NIH Guide Notice NOT-OD-13-126 at Updates regarding government operating status and resumption of normal operations can be found at

Do More Applications Mean More Awards?

August 29, 2012

In an earlier post we examined the number of competing applications for investigator-initiated research project grants (RPGs) over time and found that, in the past decade or so, most of the increase in submitted applications is due to more applicants rather than more applications per investigator.