Fiscal Policy and Salary Cap Guidance for 2017

July 25, 2017

Now that the NIH fiscal year 2017 budget is signed into law, NIH published its final fiscal policy and salary cap guidance for this year. In general, NIH will restore reductions to non-competing continuation awards made this year while we were operating under a pending budget (continuing resolution).  Additional details on fiscal operations, including specific funding strategies for ICs and any exceptions, ….

Available Now: Legislative Mandates for the Use of NIH Funding

June 30, 2017

NIH’s fiscal year 2017 budget was signed into law on May 5. As we do every year, we have posted a list of the current statutory limits on the use of NIH grant, cooperative agreement, and contract awards. Read NIH Guide Notice NOT-OD-17-075 for more information about these legislative mandates.

Making Institutional Training Tables Easier Through XTRACT

June 30, 2017

A feature within eRA Commons called the xTRACT module is available to help applicants create training data tables for institutional training grant applications, and to help grantees update these tables for their progress reports (RPPRs).

xTRACT is available to all institutions through eRA Commons. If you or your institution works with institutional training grant applications or progress reports, and are not taking advantage of this tool yet, consider the time-saving features the module provides.

Highlights include: ….

Important eRA Account Emails Headed Your Way

June 29, 2017

There’s only one you, and we want your identification in eRA Commons to represent that! If you have more than one eRA Commons account, look for an email coming your way this summer notifying you of potential duplicate accounts, and providing instructions on how to select your preferred account once you are logged into eRA Commons. ….

Issued Patent Citations Will Be Accepted As Post-Submission Application Materials

June 6, 2017

NIH recently updated its policy for what materials will be accepted as post-submission application materials. Beginning with applications submitted for due dates on or after September 25, 2017, citations of newly issued patents can be included in post-submission materials. The NIH post-submission materials policy allows grant applicants to submit limited information ….

Getting Ready for the Next NIH Forms Update

April 30, 2017

From time to time we need to update our application forms to maintain consistency with and Office of Management and Budget federal-wide requirements, and to incorporate changes in NIH policies and processes. NIH issued a guide notice on April 27, announcing how we are gearing up for a transition from the current forms (“FORMS-D”) to the next iteration of forms for due dates on or after January 25, 2018. Highlights of the new FORMS-E will include: ….

NIH Fiscal Operations and Interim Salary Cap Guidance

March 31, 2017

NIH continues to operate under a continuing resolution, meaning that we will issue non-competing research grant awards at a level below that indicated on the most recent Notice of Award (generally up to 90% of the previously committed level), as we have in past years. See our March 17 Guide notice for details. We have also issued interim guidance on salary limits for NIH grants and cooperative agreements. ….