Tips for Applicants From the NIH Center for Scientific Review

January 31, 2015

The NIH Center for Scientific Review (CSR) recently posted and updated several resources to help the community understand more about the peer review process. Their CSR’s Insider’s Guide to Peer Review is now updated with new advice on how to produce a highly competitive grant application. ….

New Podcast on Education Requirements for Human Subjects Protection

January 31, 2015

All About Grants is back on the air with a new podcast on the education requirements for researchers working on studies that involve human subjects. Dr. Ann Hardy, the NIH Extramural Human Research Protections Officer, talks about what NIH’s education requirements are, why they exist, how you can fulfill them, and where to find related information and resources….

Learn More About Laboratory Animal Welfare Oversight

December 23, 2014

Earlier this month, the NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) made several resources available to provide researchers and administrators with federal perspectives on the oversight of research involving animal models. In early December, OLAW and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Animal Care (AC) division published announcements ….

Want to Keep Current with eRA Commons News?

July 30, 2014

If you are involved with NIH, then chances are you use eRA Commons. In addition to announcing major changes to electronic submission of grant applications here on the Extramural Nexus, did you know we offer listservs targeted to issues related to electronic submission and eRA Commons, as well?

New Website for iEdison Invention Reporting Information

June 30, 2014

True or false: iEdison is the newest Apple™ light bulb.

Well, for now at least, false. iEdison – which stands for “interagency Edison” – is a system for reporting inventions resulting from federal funding. iEdison is now part of NIH’s electronic Research Administration (eRA) suite of services, and our new website helps iEdison users access information and resources related to invention reporting. ….

Keep Up With Grants Administration Changes With Our New Timeline

June 30, 2014

Want to look into the future? We sure would. But in lieu of clairvoyant powers we’re trying the next best thing: a map to help navigate upcoming changes in grants administration. The grants policy page on is now home to an interactive timeline of upcoming changes in grants administration. ….

Promoting Research Integrity: Building the Foundation of Trust

June 30, 2014

Exemplifying and promoting the highest level of scientific integrity, public accountability, and social responsibility in the conduct of science are among NIH’s main goals as an agency. Research integrity is not about being flawless. It is about conducting science using honest and verifiable methods, complying with rules and regulations and adhering to professional standards. Ultimately, it is also about trust, the foundation upon which the scientific research enterprise is built. We’ve recently updated our website on research integrity, ….