November 12, 2024
In 2017, we announced that eRA Commons would establish a real-time link with ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identification), a non-profit organization that assigns persistent identifiers to scientists and their research. Since that time, we have observed a dramatic increase in the number of NIH supported investigators with an NIH account linked to their ORCID iD.
September 17, 2024
These Common Disclosure Forms for the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support aim to standardize disclosure requirements and processes across federal research agencies, with the goal of reducing the time and effort researchers spend providing disclosure information to federal funders and ensuring integrity throughout the research process.
September 16, 2022
In response to the OIG recommendations, we are reminding grant applicants and recipients again today of NIH’s Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) and Other Support grant requirements. We encourage all those involved in the NIH grants process to review this information carefully to ensure compliance.
March 10, 2022
The answers to these and other new and updated FAQs are now available on our Other Support FAQ page.
February 24, 2022
NIH recently announced an update to the Special Council Review (SCR) policy to align with updated Other Support disclosure requirements. Effective with the FY 2022 May/June Council round, Advisory Council members will continue to provide additional consideration of new and renewal applications from well-supported investigators who currently receive $2 million or more in total costs, per year of active NIH funding.
August 2, 2021
Although not required until January 2022, more and more applicants and recipients are following our advice and transitioning now to the updated formats and instructions for biosketch and other support documents. As a result, we’ve received a number of requests for additional clarification to our policies. We’ve updated and added FAQs, posted clarified instructions, and adjusted our other support sample document in response.
May 19, 2021
Have you checked out our other support or biosketch resources and still have questions? Send your inquiries to our new central email inbox [email protected].
May 5, 2021
As announced in March, updated biosketch and other support format pages and instructions are available for use in applications, Just-in-Time (JIT) Reports, and Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs). Use of the new format pages is preferred immediately and required for due dates and submissions on or after January 25, 2022. This represents a change from the original May 25, 2021 requirement date for the updated formats and other support signatures. Applicants and recipients can use this time to align their systems and processes with the new formats and instructions. Failure to follow the appropriate formats on or after January 25, 2022 may cause NIH to withdraw applications from or delay consideration of funding.
July 8, 2020
On Tuesday, June 23, Dr. Kelvin Drogemeier, the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), gave a presentation to the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) on “Enhancing the Security and Integrity of America’s Research Enterprise.” Dr. Drogemeier articulated five “key takeaway” messages. I’d like to take this opportunity to summarize Dr. Drogemeier’s presentation and how it fits within the context of NIH extramural research.
July 11, 2019
Who funds your current research? Make sure to let NIH know. It is required. Institutions and investigators must disclose all forms of what is termed “other support” when applying for and receiving NIH grants. Other support includes all resources, regardless of whether or not they have monetary value, available in direct support of an individual’s research endeavors.