On Communicating Science

April 5, 2012

Science is fascinating, and all of us are immersed in a swirl of communication about our work. Whether in a conversation to someone in your lab; in a manuscript, grant application, presentation at scientific meeting; or even with friends and family, you are conveying information about science.

A Year of Blogging

January 19, 2012

It’s really hard to believe I’ve been blogging for a year now. I find the blog to be an extraordinarily good way to maintain a dialogue with you, the extramural community.

The Time is Right for NCATS

July 6, 2011

My boss, Dr. Francis Collins, has just published an article in Science Translational Medicine describing why the time is right to establish the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) at NIH.

Who Are We?

June 23, 2011

As part of our effort to characterize the community that is supported by NIH, we looked at the degrees held by NIH-supported principal investigators (PIs) and whether the composition of that population has changed over the years.