A Year of Blogging


It’s really hard to believe I’ve been blogging for a year now. I find the blog to be an extraordinarily good way to maintain a dialogue with you, the extramural community. Your comments have been particularly useful to us, and based on the web stats, it looks like the topics and issues discussed in the blog are relevant to you. In fact, I believe that my legacy as a public servant most likely will be “Author of Rock Talk” as people recognize me from the blog,  more often than any other way. Not sure if that is a good or a bad thing, but I like it! (And even though some of my readers don’t approve, I happily will continue to use the occasional exclamation point!) I also have noticed that @Rock Talking (yes, I tweet too) is picking up followers, perhaps from my blog readers. 

The past year has been exciting, challenging, and particularly active for NIH. It couldn’t have been a better time to start the blog. I have tried to keep you up-to-date on the latest issues and present you with data that have driven key policy decisions at NIH. Indeed, I’ve noted that the response is greatest when I present data in the blog. So I plan to continue this by bringing you interesting data when we have it at hand. I’m sure that the next year is going to be just as eventful here at NIH, so look for interesting blogs to follow. 

As with all good things, there are always ways to make them better. Please let me know how I can make this blog more useful to you. I want to end by thanking my dedicated staff who are the behind-the-scenes engine for the blog and to you for your support. And finally, go social media! It’s changing the world.

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