New Vertebrate Animals Section Training Module

July 24, 2020

Calling all applicants proposing research with vertebrate animals – check out the latest online learning module on the Vertebrate Animals Section in grant applications. This interactive module will assist applicants and offerors in preparing this section of the application, and will serve as a valuable resource for reviewers in evaluating the Vertebrate Animal Section of applications and proposals.

Useful Flexibilities for Animal Care and Use Programs to Comply with the PHS Policy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

July 20, 2020

As we continue to address the effects of COVID-19 and as some states and institutions are considering reopening, we would like to share some administrative flexibilities that NIH is providing to research institutions with laboratory animal programs. These flexibilities are meant to assure personnel safety and animal welfare while enabling research personnel to prioritize and preserve research efforts. Some of these can be useful in reducing administrative burden, too.

Help Us Strengthen Rigor of Animal Research: Public Feedback Requested

June 23, 2020

Ever figured out a clever solution to a vexing challenge that affected the rigor of your work with laboratory animals, and then thought that those solutions could improve the quality and transparency of animal research supported across NIH? Recently found yourself at virtual lab meetings brainstorming ways to facilitate translating the findings from your animal study to human biology and disease? Questioned the status quo on how the research culture drives the choice of animal models and the design of experiments? Well, we want to know more.

Animal Oversight Changes for Institutions Receiving National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Funding

April 30, 2020

On April 16, 2020, NIH and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced a new agreement to ensure consistent and effective oversight of the welfare of animals used in NASA-funded activities. The agreement provides a framework to enhance communication and harmonize the agencies’ efforts while reducing regulatory burden to supported institutions. According to this agreement, institutions … Continue reading “Animal Oversight Changes for Institutions Receiving National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Funding”

Special OLAW Webinar on March 19: Pandemic Contingency Planning and Its Impact on Animal Care

March 17, 2020

Are you testing or implementing your institution’s pandemic response plan for the first time? Do you have questions about flexibilities provided by the PHS Policy that may be helpful during a pandemic? All PHS-assured institutions are required to develop disaster plans that account for both the well-being of animals and consideration of personnel during unexpected events … Continue reading “Special OLAW Webinar on March 19: Pandemic Contingency Planning and Its Impact on Animal Care”

Involved in Lab Animal Care and Use Programs? Upcoming ICARE Academy Workshops Are for You!

February 3, 2020

Looking to better understand research animal welfare, federal regulations related to the care and use of animals in research, and IACUC oversight issues? Then the Interagency Collaborative Animal Research Education (ICARE) Academy is for you. The 2-day Introduction to IACUC Function workshop is for those IACUC and animal program personnel who are new to the … Continue reading “Involved in Lab Animal Care and Use Programs? Upcoming ICARE Academy Workshops Are for You!”

Final Report on Reducing Administrative Burdens Associated with Research Involving Laboratory Animals

September 25, 2019

We are pleased to announce that last month the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published their final report on Reducing Administrative Burden for Researchers: Animal Care and Use in Research (NOT-OD-19-136). This report, called for in the 21st Century Cures Act, is the culmination of more than two years of diligent work to address inconsistent and overlapping policies governing oversight of research involving animals, while ensuring research findings remain credible and research institutions safeguard animal welfare.