June 29, 2016
Applying for an NIH Loan Repayment Program (LRP) Award? There are four important updates that you should know before you submit your application! ….
June 28, 2016
Need funding for your health or medical technology idea? Considering Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs as a source of support? Join us for the 18th annual Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) SBIR/STTR conference! This year’s conference will be held in Orlando, Florida on November 15 – 17, 2016. A draft of the agenda and registration information is now available online. Register soon to ….
June 27, 2016
All trainees and fellows supported by Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards (NRSAs) are now able to continue receiving stipends while taking parental leave. Stipends can be provided for up to 60 calendar days (or 8 work weeks) of parental leave per year for the adoption or the birth of each child. ….
May 26, 2016
Dr. Jodi Black will be joining the NIH Office of Extramural Research (OER) as its deputy director. Dr. Black is currently the acting director of the NIH National Health Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Division of Extramural Research Activities. ….
May 26, 2016
Did you miss out on attending the NIH Regional Seminar in Baltimore, Maryland in May? No worries…we have good news! You still have one more chance this year to participate in this unique opportunity to learn more about the NIH process and hear the latest policies directly from over 60 NIH & HHS experts….
April 30, 2016
NIH applicants have the opportunity to suggest information to help NIH refer and review their grant application. When applying with the new FORMS-D application package, applicants will include their requests in the new assignment request form, rather than in the cover letter has has been done in the past. ….
April 30, 2016
Applicants to our large, multi-project programs will be among the first to use our updated (FORMS-D) application forms. Here are some handy reminders: ….
April 28, 2016
College and university officials, has one of your grants moved — say, from your department of medicine to the department of surgery — and you want that assignment correctly reflected in the eRA Commons? In the past, higher education institutions would need to submit a request to the eRA Service Desk to have this information on school/department reassignment updated. The good news is that now Signing Officials can do it themselves, using a new feature in eRA Commons that allows them to update data regarding the reassignment of a grant within an institution (see steps to Reassign Grant).
March 31, 2016
By now you’ve hopefully heard all about the NIH Regional Seminars and the opportunities offered during this two-day meeting on program funding and grants administration. …. However, did you know that attendees can also attend an optional workshop to dive deep into special topics? Both our Baltimore and Chicago 2016 seminars offer the following optional workshops: Human Research Protections: a full-day, CME-accredited workshop providing ….
March 31, 2016
Applicants to our training grant programs will be among the first to use our updated (FORMS-D) application forms. Here are some handy reminders: ….