August 2, 2021
Although not required until January 2022, more and more applicants and recipients are following our advice and transitioning now to the updated formats and instructions for biosketch and other support documents. As a result, we’ve received a number of requests for additional clarification to our policies. We’ve updated and added FAQs, posted clarified instructions, and adjusted our other support sample document in response.
July 1, 2021
The NIH Research Enhancement Award (R15) supports small-scale research projects at educational institutions that provide baccalaureate or advanced degrees for a significant number of the Nation’s research scientists but that have not been major recipients of NIH support.
June 10, 2021
If you need to submit a Federal Financial Report (FFR) through the HHS Payment Management System (PMS), then you’ll want to be aware of two recent notices in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts.
May 11, 2021
NIH recently released its updated Strategic Plan for COVID-19 Research, available on the NIH COVID-19 website. Responses to a Request for Information helped inform this iteration, building on progress since the 2020 plan. The updated strategic plan highlights progress made in the development of diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines, along with developing strategies on how to effectively provide these resources.
May 5, 2021
As announced in March, updated biosketch and other support format pages and instructions are available for use in applications, Just-in-Time (JIT) Reports, and Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs). Use of the new format pages is preferred immediately and required for due dates and submissions on or after January 25, 2022. This represents a change from the original May 25, 2021 requirement date for the updated formats and other support signatures. Applicants and recipients can use this time to align their systems and processes with the new formats and instructions. Failure to follow the appropriate formats on or after January 25, 2022 may cause NIH to withdraw applications from or delay consideration of funding.
May 5, 2021
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May 5, 2021
Under normal circumstances, individuals must have no more than four years of postdoctoral research experience to be eligible to apply for a K99/R00 Pathway to Independence award. Due to disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, NIH will be extending the two-receipt cycle extension (roughly eight additional months) of eligibility for prospective, eligible candidates for a K99/R00 application.
May 5, 2021
The revised NIH Grants Policy Statement (NIHGPS) has been published, replacing the December 2019 version as standard terms and conditions of award. This revision applies to all NIH grants and cooperative agreements with budget periods beginning on or after October 1, 2020.
April 27, 2021
Is your NIH grant coming to an end soon? Here’s a refresher on reporting deadlines, timeframes for drawing funds from the Payment Management System (PMS), and the process for amending a Federal Financial Reports (FFR).
April 23, 2021
For due dates on or after January 25, 2022, NIH, AHRQ, FDA, and ORD/VA are targeting a requirement that all individuals listed on the R&R Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded) Form have an eRA Commons username (Commons ID) listed on grant applications.