August 9, 2012
We all know that NIH has seen a large increase in applications over the past decade, but how much of this is due to scientists writing more applications and how much is a result of a larger number of scientists doing biomedical research?
August 3, 2012
Last summer I mentioned to you that NIH was interested in figuring out a way to open up many of the NIH Clinical Center’s amazing resources to the extramural research community. It has taken some work to iron out all the details, but we just posted a notice of intent to publish a request for applications (RFA) this fall.
August 1, 2012
Earlier this year I discussed early stage investigators and the programs and policies NIH has implemented to support the next generation of researchers. Another way we support early career scientists is by recognizing and honoring their achievements. Last week, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) announced that 20 outstanding NIH-supported early career scientists had been selected for the 2011 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, or PECASE.
July 26, 2012
Following up on last week’s post, I want to look at another issue addressed in the Advisory Committee to the NIH Director (ACD) Working Group on Diversity in the Biomedical Research Workforce report.
July 20, 2012
As I posted last month, the Advisory Committee to the NIH Director (ACD) heard recommendations from several working groups at its June 14 meeting, including the one tasked with studying the recruitment and retention of underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, people with disabilities, and people from disadvantaged backgrounds in biomedical research careers.
July 9, 2012
How familiar do you think the average person is with the work done by NIH and NIH-funded researchers?
June 29, 2012
The National Postdoctoral Association defines a postdoctoral scholar (or a postdoc) as “an individual holding a doctoral degree who is engaged in a temporary period of mentored research and/or scholarly training for the purpose of acquiring the professional skills needed to pursue a career path of his or her choosing.”
June 27, 2012
Now that I’ve discussed the consolidated snapshot of the PhD biomedical research workforce, I’d like to focus on some trend data about graduate students gathered by the biomedical workforce working group.
June 22, 2012
As I blogged last week, and most of you have heard by now, a working group of the Advisory Committee to the NIH Director (ACD) that I co-chaired together with Shirley Tilghman from Princeton just completed a study of the biomedical research workforce.
June 15, 2012
It has been an exciting time at the NIH over the past two days. The Advisory Committee to the NIH Director (ACD) met for its regular biannual meeting on campus, and the agenda was jam-packed.