Piloting the $1.5M Special Review

May 18, 2012

Back in February, I posted on our fiscal year 2013 Presidential budget request. One of the things I mentioned was an additional review that we were considering for applications from investigators that have received NIH funds of $1.5M or more in total costs.

Exciting New Program

May 4, 2012

Imagine if you had a partnership with industry where you had access to compounds never before available to you, which you could use to test ideas for new therapeutics and identify promising new treatments.

Does Your Degree Matter?

April 27, 2012

You know I like to try and provide data that answer commonly asked questions about NIH funding. Today, it’s the question of whether investigators that hold MDs or MD/PhDs are more or less likely to be funded than those investigators that hold PhDs.

On Communicating Science

April 5, 2012

Science is fascinating, and all of us are immersed in a swirl of communication about our work. Whether in a conversation to someone in your lab; in a manuscript, grant application, presentation at scientific meeting; or even with friends and family, you are conveying information about science.