Chimpanzees in Biomedical Research

June 26, 2013

Today NIH made an important announcement about the use of chimpanzees in biomedical and behavioral research. After accepting the findings of an extensive Institute of Medicine (IOM) study commissioned by NIH, and reviewing the implementation recommendations from the Council of Councils and public feedback, NIH leadership has decided to significantly reduce the use of chimpanzees in the biomedical research it supports, and expects to designate the majority of NIH-owned chimpanzees for retirement.

More on Percentiling

June 21, 2013

Understanding NIH’s system of percentiling can be a challenge. My posts on how percentiles relate to paylines and success rates continues to get a lot of hits. A recent presentation by NIH’s Center for Scientific Review provided an example that I thought might be helpful to people trying to understand more about how a percentile is calculated for some grant applications. ….

Seek and Ye Shall Find (But Maybe We Can Help…)

May 28, 2013

From time to time on the blog, I’ve discussed the various tools available to you for finding research of interest on RePORT, our comprehensive resource on NIH-funded research. Today, I’d like to highlight a search feature that has been available on RePORTER for some time but may not be widely known.

NIH Funds and Lobbying Activities

May 24, 2013

NIH-funded awards are subject to a prohibition on using federal funds for lobbying activities… While these prohibitions have been in place for a long time, we are taking this opportunity to raise the visibility of the topic particularly since we had some changes last year and are often asked about what is and isn’t allowed under the prohibition. ….

Funding Operations for FY2013

May 8, 2013

Today we announced NIH policies for fiscal operation for the remainder of the 2013 fiscal year (FY). These policies implement the continuing resolution signed by President Obama on March 26, and also incorporate the provisions of the sequester (formally known as the 2011 Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act).

More on More Applicants

April 26, 2013

Last August, I wrote on the number of investigators applying for NIH grants. Several readers correctly noted that the increase we showed in the number of applicants was based on the number of investigators submitting at least one application in a given year (rather than, say, all investigators “in the system”). ….

Join Me at the NIH Regional Seminar in Baltimore

April 19, 2013

Those of you new to Rock Talk and working with NIH – or maybe just in need of a brush up on NIH funding and related topics – might want to join me in Baltimore (home of this year’s Superbowl champions – go Ravens!) for the NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration. ….