FY 2022 Fiscal Policies for Grant Awards: Funding Levels, Salary Limits, and Stipend Levels
NIH issued guidance for NIH Fiscal Operations for FY 2022 including funding levels, NRSA stipends, and salary limits.
NIH issued guidance for NIH Fiscal Operations for FY 2022 including funding levels, NRSA stipends, and salary limits.
Effective April 1, 2022, NIH and AHRQ grant recipients will no longer complete the cash transaction section (lines 10a through 10c) of the SF-425 Federal Financial Report (FFR) in the HHS Payment Management System (PMS).
As you prepare your grant application, avoid these common pitfalls!
The management of iEdison, the system used to report inventions, patents and utilization data resulting from federally funded research grants and contracts, is moving from NIH eRA to the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST).
Fans of NIH’s All About Grants Podcast will be pleased to know it’s now easier than ever to browse and listen to our episodes (including the catchy theme music) on our refreshed podcast page.
If you’re working on NIH-funded research, you probably know the new NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy goes into effect January 25, 2023. Don’t worry — there are several resources in the works to help you prepare! In April we are launching a new NIH Scientific Data Sharing website, a one-stop shop for all the information you need to know about NIH sharing policies.
The answers to these and other new and updated FAQs are now available on our Other Support FAQ page.
NIH-defined phase 3 clinical trials are required to conduct and report analyses by sex or gender, race, and ethnicity for each primary outcome. These analyses, referred to as “valid analyses” are unbiased assessments that on average, yield the correct estimate of the difference in outcomes between two groups of participants.
Simplified wizard-like screens will greet signing officials who are completing the one-time registration for their organization in eRA Commons. The updated Registration screens accommodate SAM-issued Unique Entity Identifiers (UEIs) and will pre-populate institutional information based on available active registration data in SAM.gov.
We really care about the details. It is important to a fair review that all applicants competing together for funding have adhered to the same rules. It is also important that your application is submitted in a way that allows us to efficiently process your application and make it available for funding consideration. Consequently, your application will be checked at Grants.gov, by our eRA systems and finally by our staff before it is referred for review.