Refresh Your Knowledge of Roles in eRA Commons
Have to quickly see who can do what in eRA Commons? Check out these handy guides for both at a glance and detailed information on the roles and privileges of eRA Commons users.
Have to quickly see who can do what in eRA Commons? Check out these handy guides for both at a glance and detailed information on the roles and privileges of eRA Commons users.
Looking for a grant award you heard about? Go here! Perhaps how many trainees NIH supported? You got it! Research spending on a certain disease? Done! Comparing NIH to another federal funder? Look no further! As you can see, NIH shares a quite diverse array of data associated with our funded grants in a transparent way. But, that does not mean we share everything.
Could you benefit from learning more about applying to NIH and our policies, processes, and resources? Do you know colleagues, whether they be faculty, research administrators or trainees at your institution who might also benefit? If so, then spread the word about the NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration taking place in San Francisco, California – October 17 -19, 2018. Register by June 22 and save while Early Registration rates are still available.
I’m excited to tell you about a new option for submitting your R01 applications to NIH. Today, we made ASSIST (the Application Submission System and Interface for Submission Tracking) available as an option for submitting your R01 applications, as well as most individual career development (K) award applications. ASSIST is a web-based system that was developed by NIH, in close partnership with, to address common application submission challenges identified by the community. We first launched ASSIST ….
In April I blogged about the various ways NIH is taking on the challenge of improving data on the biomedical research workforce, particularly those who receive training support from NIH. In 2009 we began requiring eRA Commons accounts for all postdocs listed in the grantees’ annual progress report and over the next year we’ll be extending this requirement to capture data on NIH-supported graduate students and undergraduate students as well.