October 26, 2016
The authentication plan should be provided as a separate attachment (Item 15 in the Research Plan). The plan should be brief (no more than one page is suggested), and it should include a description of the methods proposed to authenticate key biological and/or chemical resources prior to use and at regular intervals, if appropriate. Key resources and the methods for authentication will vary by research field. ….
September 30, 2016
If you’re currently a grantee, there are two paths for seeking additional funding for an active project, depending on the project needs. ….
September 30, 2016
If remembering the difference between a renewal and a revision has you stumped, we have a page on types of applications that can help. Knowing what type of application you are submitting is important for a number of reasons. ….
August 31, 2016
Principal investigators with an Internet Assisted Review (IAR) role — i.e. current and former reviewers — can check if they are eligible for continuous submission of their applications (being allowed extra time to submit and bypassing standard due dates) by going to their Personal Profile in eRA Commons ….
July 27, 2016
Not necessarily! Your proposed research needs to fall within the mission of NIH and the mission of at least one participating office, institute, or center listed on the funding opportunity announcement to which you are applying. …..
July 25, 2016
NIH is a big place, and we understand how it may seem daunting to identify the right person to talk to as you go through the various steps of seeking NIH funding. From idea, to submission, to post-award management, we are here to help. We developed a new resource to help you contact the NIH staff member who can best help you along each phase of the application and award process. ….
June 29, 2016
We’ve recently received an uptick of phone calls and emails from members of the public who received a call that they won a grant from NIH to pay for student loans, or as an award. No federal government grant-making agency will make phone calls or send emails or letters to solicit money or personal banking information from a potential grant recipient. While we know that you in the research community know that it requires an application to receive a grant, we feel it is very important to spread the word on how to identify these scams, and how to report them. ….
May 31, 2016
The guidance reviewers use to assess rigor and transparency is available on the NIH website: Reviewer Guidance on Rigor and Transparency. In addition to reviewing the applicant resources and ….
May 30, 2016
Yes. The updated review language will apply to all competing applications submitted under applicable activities, regardless of ….
March 31, 2016
Most of you are aware that we are updating our application forms (NOT-OD-16-081). You must use FORMS-D forms and instructions for due dates on or after May 25, 2016 and you must use FORMS-C for due dates on or before May 24, 2016. If you’re not sure how to tell the difference between FORMS-C and D, ….