Reminder: Changes for January 25, 2018 Application Due Dates

January 4, 2018

Two major changes impact applications submitted for due dates on or after January 25, 2018.

Applicants are required to use FORMS-E. Wondering what this means for late applications or reviewers submitting under the continuous submission policies? See NIH Guide Notice NOT-OD-17-062 to learn more.
Applications that include one or more clinical trials must be submitted in response to funding opportunity announcements that allow for clinical trials. See NIH Guide…

Cold Weather Blues? Think Spring and the 2018 NIH Regional Seminar in Washington, D.C.

January 4, 2018

Are you an investigator or research administrator new to working with the NIH grants process?  If so, then don’t let the 2018 NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration pass you by.  Registration is underway for the spring seminar in Washington, D.C. (May 2-4).  With only seminar planned for 2018, you won’t want … Continue reading “Cold Weather Blues? Think Spring and the 2018 NIH Regional Seminar in Washington, D.C.”

New Electronic Submission Requirement for Diversity Supplements

December 28, 2017

The funds provided in response to Diversity Supplement requests are used to improve the diversity of the biomedical research workforce by recruiting and supporting students, postdoctorates, and eligible investigators from groups that have been shown to be underrepresented in health-related research. Currently, NIH does not require that diversity supplements be submitted electronically, which poses a challenge to NIH staff when trying to identify and track diversity supplement awardees and their subsequent research careers. Effective January 25, 2018, all single and multi-project diversity supplement requests MUST be submitted electronically ….

NIH Single IRB Policy Reminder

December 7, 2017

As we approach the implementation date for NIH’s Policy on the Use of a Single Institutional Review Board (Single IRB) for Multi-Site Research, we would like to remind you of the resources available for understanding this policy. 

The policy affects multi-site studies involving non-exempt human subjects research funded by NIH, and applies to grant applications with due dates on or after January 25, 2018 and R&D contracts in response to solicitations issued on or after January 25, 2018.

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the single IRB plan, considerations in the selection of the sIRB, costs, exceptions to the policy, and where you should include this information as part of your grant application or contract proposal.

Visit the following resources to learn more: ….

Retirement Countdown for Legacy Downloadable Forms

December 1, 2017

On December 31, 2017 will no longer allow applicants to download an entire application form package as a single PDF for offline data entry and later submission. For the 80% of NIH applicants that used ASSIST or institutional system-to-system solutions in FY2017, this change will have little impact. Die-hard downloadable forms users, however, need to switch to another submission option quickly. ….

NIH Plans for Issuing Clinical Trial Specific Parent Announcements

November 8, 2017

In February NIH announced plans to require clinical trial specific funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) for due dates of January 25, 2018 and beyond. Expect to see clinical trial specific parent FOAs on the streets for select activity codes at least 60 days ahead of the first due date after January 25, 2018. Some NIH Institutes and Centers will join these parent FOAs; others will publish IC-specific Clinical Trial FOAs.

Tell Us About Areas of Scientific Opportunity that Would Benefit from the Unique Research Resources of the NIH Clinical Center

November 1, 2017

The NIH Clinical Center, as the largest biomedical research hospital in the world, is a unique local, regional, and national research resource.  To ensure the Clinical Center is maximizing its potential to support the best possible science, the NIH Director is seeking input regarding needs and opportunities for inpatient clinical research resources. Respond to the … Continue reading “Tell Us About Areas of Scientific Opportunity that Would Benefit from the Unique Research Resources of the NIH Clinical Center”