NSTC Seeks Insights on the American Research Environment

December 2, 2019

Have suggestions to improve the American research environment? The National Science and Technology Council’s (NSTC’s) Joint Committee on the Research Environment (JCORE) wants to hear from you! Make your voice heard in response to JCORE’s Request for Information (RFI), seeking input on actions that Federal agencies can take, working in partnership with private industry, academic institutions, and non-profit/philanthropic organizations, to maximize the quality and effectiveness of the American research environment.

Extension Policy for K99/R00 Eligibility

November 4, 2019

NIH recognizes that a lot can happen to interrupt the 4-year K99 eligibility window. Since one of the most popular reasons for extension requests involve childbirth, NIH will approve an extension of one year for childbirth, consistent with the NIH Extension Policy for Early Stage Investigator Status (ESI), effective immediately. Men, those adopting children, and same-sex partners of individuals giving birth can also apply for an extension.

Reminder to Review Accuracy of Grant Information Before October 11

October 3, 2019

We make data on all funded NIH grants available to the public on the RePORT website. One of the ways we provide information is by school/department, which you can explore using the Awards by Location feature. Because of inconsistencies in the way information on department and school names are provided in grant applications, grantee officials may want to make changes in how that information is reflected in NIH systems.

Early Stage Investigator (ESI) Extension Request Process Moving to eRA Commons

August 5, 2019

NIH recognizes that a lot can happen to interrupt the ten-year eligibility window of your Early Stage Investigator (ESI) status, such as family care responsibilities, military service, medical concerns, and more. While you may currently request an extension of that ten-year period by completing an Extension Request Form, the process for requesting an extension of ESI status will soon be moving to the eRA Commons.