Updated Resource for Biosafety Assessment Now Available

September 29, 2016

October is National Biosafety Month – a yearly reminder to refocus attention on biosafety policies, practices and procedures. …. the NIH Office of Science Policy recently updated the “Institutional Biosafety Committee Self-Assessment Tool” as a resource to help ….

Your One Page Guide to Rigor and Reproducibility

July 31, 2016

We’ve developed a one-page guide to explain how to address rigor and reproducibility in your NIH application. This new resource walks through each of the four key areas of scientific rigor, explaining how and where to address each area in your application. In addition we’ve linked to additional resources in case you need more in-depth … Continue reading “Your One Page Guide to Rigor and Reproducibility”

Five Ways Supervisors Can Promote Research Integrity

July 21, 2016

Upholding the integrity of scientific research takes contributions from scientists, trainees, administrators, and policymakers alike. A new infographic from the Department of Health and Thumbnail of infographic links to full PDFHuman Services Office of Research integrity (HHS ORI) shares five tips that supervisors can take to promote research integrity in their workplaces: 1. Be Available and Approachable – Take the time to cultivate ….

Tip for Administrators: Keep Track of Commons User IDs at Your Institution Using This Tool

July 21, 2016

Are you a research administrator who has wondered, how can I get a list of eRA Commons account holders at my university? A tool in eRA Commons can help!

Through the eRA Commons Account Management System (AMS), you can use the AMS User Reports tool to search for account holders at your institution, and export this information into a list. AMS User Reports also allows you to search ….

New Portal to Human Subjects Protections Information

May 31, 2016

A new web portal provides regulatory guidance and links to human subjects protection information, but also contains a number of tools and guides to help investigators and institutions meet federal and HHS/NIH standards for human subjects research protections.