Celebrating Science

September 28, 2012

Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to participate in A Celebration of Science, where more than 1,000 leaders from across the scientific research and policy communities participated in a three-day event led by FasterCures and the Milken Institute. This celebration was held to reaffirm the importance of biomedical research and showcase the outcomes of research on people’s lives.

Do More Applications Mean More Awards?

August 29, 2012

In an earlier post we examined the number of competing applications for investigator-initiated research project grants (RPGs) over time and found that, in the past decade or so, most of the increase in submitted applications is due to more applicants rather than more applications per investigator.

Moving Forward with Special Council Review

August 20, 2012

It’s been three months since I discussed how, during May Advisory Council meetings, NIH would pilot a new Special Council Review process for particularly well-funded applicants. Since that time, we ran the pilot and carefully considered all the great feedback we received from Advisory Council members and staff. We are now ready to implement the final policy on Special Council Review.

Exciting Opportunity to Use the NIH Clinical Center

August 3, 2012

Last summer I mentioned to you that NIH was interested in figuring out a way to open up many of the NIH Clinical Center’s amazing resources to the extramural research community. It has taken some work to iron out all the details, but we just posted a notice of intent to publish a request for applications (RFA) this fall.

Honoring the Achievements of Early Career Scientists

August 1, 2012

Earlier this year I discussed early stage investigators and the programs and policies NIH has implemented to support the next generation of researchers. Another way we support early career scientists is by recognizing and honoring their achievements. Last week, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) announced that 20 outstanding NIH-supported early career scientists had been selected for the 2011 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, or PECASE.