Notices of Special Interest


You may have noticed a growing trend at NIH to issue notices that highlight scientific areas of special interest. NIH Institutes and Centers have been increasingly using this approach as an alternative to issuing or reissuing program announcements. Instead, the notice indicates interest in a specific area, and points to the funding opportunity announcements applicants can use to apply. We are looking at ways to highlight these notices of special interest in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. In the meantime, we encourage you to  continue to track NIH notices as well as funding opportunity announcements.


  1. Regarding NOSIs, since these are PAs, I assume there is no set-aside for them and the applications will be percentiled. Can you confirm this?

    1. True, NOSIs do not have set aside funds. Applications are submitted to funding opportunity announcements and the rules of that funding opportunity announcement would apply.

      1. So, NOSIs can have set aside funds IF the FOA(s) that the NOSIs are associated with have set aside funds, right?

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