April 29, 2014
You may know that the R01 is NIH’s standard research project grant. But what about the hundreds of other activity codes NIH uses? Activity codes differentiate between the wide variety of grant programs we offer. Our types of grant programs page can be a huge help in deciphering our lingo. ….
January 31, 2014
Unless the funding opportunity announcement instructs otherwise, the page limit is 6 pages for Letters of Support from collaborators, contributors, and consultants in addition to the 6 pages allowed for the Statements of the Mentor and Co-Mentor(s).
January 31, 2014
When preparing an application with a detailed budget, requested salaries should be determined based on actual, institutional base salaries, and ….
December 30, 2013
If you are an investigator or research administrator new to human subjects research, NIH has published a flowchart to help you determine eligibility and agency contacts. Learn more about the application process at the Certificates of Confidentiality Kiosk on grants.nih.gov.
December 30, 2013
A Certificate of Confidentiality is a special privacy protection that can be issued by Health and Human Services (HHS) agencies to help researchers protect the privacy of people enrolled in biomedical, behavioral, clinical and other forms of sensitive health-related research ….
November 30, 2013
When citing your NIH grant in your research publications, include the activity code (eg., R01), and two-letter institute code (eg., GM) followed by the serial number (including any including any leading zeros), and leave out any separating spaces or dashes. So, a proper grant number citation would look like this: R01GM987654 Citing the grant number … Continue reading “How Should I Format an NIH Grant Number in my Publications?”
August 31, 2013
If you are submitting an application for the September 9, 2013 AIDS due date (Sept. 7 falls on a Saturday this year), you should use the B Series application form packages.
August 31, 2013
We’ve created a test environment so that applicants can try out the new multi-project electronic submission system, ASSIST. ….
July 31, 2013
Your PDF attachments need to be 8.5 inches by 11 inches, or smaller. If they are larger than this size, you will receive an error message. Please review our PDF guidelines for electronic applications for more information.