A Blizzard Ate My Application! What Can I Do?

January 30, 2016

NIH has your back. We have a standing natural disaster policy that can protect you in the event a natural disaster such as a hurricane or blizzard closes your institution close to an application due date. Periodically we issue reminder notices, such as the one we issued in response to Winter Storm Jonas which ….

Can I Use Forms that Expired on August 31, 2015?!

August 31, 2015

Yes, NIH’s forms that expired at the end of August 2015 can still be used until we announce the availability of new forms.

At least every three years, we are required to reassess our data collection needs, make any needed adjustments, and submit a data collection clearance request to….

Who Do I Call for Support for ASSIST or the eRA Commons?

August 31, 2015

You call the eRA Service Desk!

You might remember contacting the eRA Commons Help Desk for assistance. It’s the same team; we just recently rebranded to avoid having the name cause confusion in our grantee community since the help desk supports ASSIST and other eRA services in addition to the Commons.

PMID vs PMCID: What’s the Difference?

August 31, 2015

PubMed is an index of the biomedical literature. A PMID, also known as the PubMed reference number, is a number assigned by the NIH National Library of Medicine to papers indexed in PubMed. PubMed Central is an archive of full-text journal articles. The National Library of Medicine assigns a PMCID, also known as a PMC Identifier, to each full-text paper in PubMed Central.

To comply with the public access policy, anyone submitting an application, proposal or report to the NIH must include a PMCID when ….