Working to Relieve Applicant Stress

January 1, 2009

NIH has extended the electronic application error correction window to 5 days for all opportunities with receipt dates in February 2009 to alleviate stress caused by performance issues.

Transition to Adobe Forms Officially Under Way

December 1, 2008

Transition to Adobe officially began on December 5, 2008, when NIH updated more than 500 active Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) with Adobe-based application packages and closed their PureEdge predecessors. The new Adobe forms are required for submission for most receipt dates in January and beyond.

Prepare Now for the Switch From PureEdge to Adobe

November 1, 2008

This New Year ushers in new Adobe-based application forms for NIH. There are only 3 weeks until the first Adobe-based application packages will become available. Applicants should prepare now by ensuring they have the correct software installed.