April 1, 2010
1. I am resubmitting an application. How should I reduce my previously 25-page Research Plan narrative to the 6 or 12 pages now required for the Research Strategy section?
2. May figures and photographs be included in the Appendix?
3. For an individual fellowship application, does each co-sponsor get an additional 6 pages for their information?
4. How many copies of my paper PHS 2590 progress report should be mailed to NIH?
April 1, 2010
We want to know what you think about the impact of eliminating the error correction window that occurs after the electronic submission of a grant and the timing for making such a change.
April 1, 2010
Received ARRA funds? Check out three new Recovery Act Guide Notices for updated information on quarterly recipient reporting, NIH reporting and no-cost extensions.
April 1, 2010
Public Health Service-supported scientists are accountable for the protection of research animals’ welfare and must provide a thorough, written justification for animal use in their application. OER’s Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) has developed new resources to assist investigators, peer reviewers, and NIH staff when preparing and reviewing this section.
April 1, 2010
Beginning January 1, 2011, xTrain, NIH’s electronic appointment system, will be required for nearly all NIH institutional research training grants, fellowships, education and career development awards. By using xTrain, program directors and administrators for these grants can now forgo paper appointment forms and appoint students and postdoctorates to training grants and scholars to career development awards electronically.
April 1, 2010
In fiscal year 2007, the NIH implemented a major policy change to ensure consistency in the awarding of tuition, fees and health insurance on Kirschstein-NRSA training grants and fellowships. NIH has now formally adopted the policy and will continue to apply it to all future awards.
March 1, 2010
By now, some ARRA projects (especially Summer Research Experience Supplements) have reached completion. If your project is complete, remember that in addition to marking the project status as “Complete” in FederalReporting.gov, you are required to file NIH Grants Closeout paperwork.
March 1, 2010
Join NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins in volunteering for National Lab Day, and help share your excitement for science with elementary, middle, and high school students.
March 1, 2010
1. Does the one page allowed for Specific Aims count toward the number of pages allowed in the Research Strategy?
2. Where is the Bibliography/References Cited section attached?
3. What should I do if the form does not allow me to provide the Human Subjects Assurance Number on the SF424(R&R)?
March 1, 2010
The Research Strategy section is a new section that was created when application forms were restructured as part of the Enhancing Peer Review initiative. If you are preparing an application now, you are dealing with the question of how best to structure the Research Strategy application section.