Grants Policy Updates for Fiscal Year 2016
Grantees abide by the terms of the NIH Grants Policy Statement (GPS) the moment they draw down the first of their grant funds. NIH updates the GPS annually. ….
Grantees abide by the terms of the NIH Grants Policy Statement (GPS) the moment they draw down the first of their grant funds. NIH updates the GPS annually. ….
Education is the foundation of our nation’s biomedical research enterprise. However, it goes without saying that a college education is expensive. Post-graduate education is even more expensive, with the average cost of medical, veterinary, and dental school totaling more than $200,000. In exchange for a commitment to conduct biomedical or behavioral research, NIH will repay up to $70,000 of student loan debt (over two years) per two-year contract through the NIH Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs).Want to know more? Here’s how the NIH LRPs can help. ….
Applying to one of NIH’s small business research programs? You now have a new application submission option. You can continue using downloadable forms from or using one of the system-to-system submission systems used in some institutions, or you can now use ASSIST, NIH’s online system for application preparation and submission. ….
We make data on all funded NIH grants available to the public on the RePORT website. If you have ever explored the Awards by Location feature, you will have seen that one of the ways we provide information is by school/department. if you haven’t played with this feature, you might be interested in seeing the distribution of NIH grant awards across your institution, or in taking a peek at awards made to other institutions…..
On September 28, NIH Director Francis Collins announced the selection of Dr. Michael Lauer as the NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research, and director of the NIH Office of Extramural Research.
The following is Dr. Collins’s statement announcing Dr. Lauer’s selection: ….
In August, NIH and the National Science Foundation (NSF) announced an agreement to harmonize oversight of the welfare of animals used in NSF-supported research activities, and to reduce regulatory burden to grantee institutions. As of October 1, 2015, institutions receiving NSF funding will need to: 1. include NSF-supported activities with ….
Don’t miss out on these great opportunities at this year’s final NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding & Grants Administration:
About 45 NIH grants, review, policy and program officials are excited to meet you and share their expertise on the application process, peer review, and award management.
A redesigned track for new investigators provides step-by-step guidance on navigating NIH programs to advance your career.
15 minute meetings to chat 1:1 with NIH & HHS faculty during the Meet the Experts sessions (meet with one ….
NIH reminds all grantees and contractors that research involving human fetal tissue must be conducted in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations, and policies, including the NIH Grants Policy Statement. For more information, see Notice NOT-OD-15-143 published in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts.
The standard due dates for applications to HHS Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs are now September 5, January 5, and April 5.
Since September 5, 2015 is on a Saturday, and Monday, September 7, 2015 is a federal holiday, the due date will be Tuesday, September 8, 2015, per NIH’s submission policies. NIH and NIH’s help desks will be closed on the federal holiday, so as always we encourage you to submit early!
The federal government wants your input on how to update the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) for use with final reports. Federal agencies, including NIH, developed the RPPR originally as a federal government-wide solution for preparation and submission of ….