Top 5 Reasons to Attend a 2017 NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration

March 7, 2017

Are you an investigator or research administrator new to working with the NIH grants process? If so, then don’t let the 2017 NIH Regional Seminars pass you by. Registration is underway for the Spring seminar in New Orleans, LA (May 3-5). If these dates or location don’t work for you, consider the Fall seminar in Baltimore, MD (October 25-27, 2017). Here are our top five ….

Take A Look At Our New Application Instructions

January 4, 2017

Reading and following application instructions is key to a smooth application submission process. This is why we’re continually seeking to make it easier for you to find and understand the information you need. If you take a look at the December release of our application guide, you will see that we’ve worked really hard to simplify the language and presentation of our application instructions.
A recent Guide notice highlights our changes: ….

Out with the Old, In with the New: Final Research Performance Progress Reports (Final RPPRs) in Use in 2017

November 30, 2016

Those of you who have been working in the NIH grants world for several years may remember that NIH’s use of the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) comes from a federal government-wide transition to a standard reporting format for all federally-funded research projects and research-related activities. As of January 1, 2017, that transition nears completion at NIH. The Final Research Performance Progress Report (Final-RPPR or F-RPPR) will replace the Final Progress Report (FPR) for grants closeout on or after January 1, 2017. Generally, the F-RPPR format will be the same as the current interim/annual RPPR, making it easier for you to navigate and complete…..

New Application Instructions and Important Reminders for Appendix Sections and Post-submission Materials

November 29, 2016

As you’re preparing your application for due dates on or after January 25, 2017, be sure to consult the recently updated NIH application guide, which reflects two important changes in our submission guidelines.
As announced earlier this year, you may only include certain materials as an appendix to your application. The only materials that will be accepted in the appendix section are: ….

Update Your Web Browser by Nov. 30 to Continue Using eRA Commons, ASSIST, IAR & iEdison

October 31, 2016

eRA is strengthening the security of its modules on November 30 by moving to the ‘https only’ secure connection for websites, as mandated for all federal agencies. With the implementation of this security protocol, older internet browsers may not work, and you may need to update your browser to access any eRA module, including eRA Commons, ASSIST, IAR and iEdison. ….