New NIH Website on SBIR/STTR Reauthorization
NIH has set up a new public website to keep the small business research community abreast of its implementation plan for the many changes resulting from the reauthorization.
NIH has set up a new public website to keep the small business research community abreast of its implementation plan for the many changes resulting from the reauthorization.
A new 5 minute video outlines what applicants and their referees need to do to successfully submit a reference letter.
In the two latest episodes of All About Grants, Dr. Matt Portnoy, Program Coordinator for NIH’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) Research programs, joins us to talk about NIH research funding for small businesses.
Wondering why a new fed-wide format and a new system for progress reporting is now required for some awards?
We’ve just released two more All About Grants podcasts to help you learn more about the roles of NIH extramural staff, and who you should talk to for help at different stages of the grants award and application process. ….
Whether you want to gain more familiarity with the NIH peer review process, or are looking for a comprehensive description of the purpose, principles, and core values of peer review, a new NIH report, “NIH Peer Review: Grants and Cooperative Agreements,” is for you. ….
Have you seen that researchers can add links that are associated with their name in RePORTER to their faculty page, professional profile, biosketch, or lab website, whenever their name appears allowing others to learn more about their research? …. Now, institutions can add these links in RePORTER for all of their research investigators at once by providing them in bulk format. ….
We’ve just released two new All About Grants podcasts to help you learn more about the roles of NIH extramural staff, and who you should talk to for help at different stages of the grants award and application process.
A growing number of NIH institutes and centers are enhancing opportunities for combining and comparing data from multiple studies by identifying sets of common data elements (CDEs). In January, NIH launched a web portal to improve access to information about NIH-supported CDE initiatives and assist investigators with tools and resources for developing protocols for data collection…
The NIH Office of Extramural Research (OER) published three new podcasts to help grantees understand the NIH Public Access Policy and to introduce investigators and institutions to new tools NIH has made available for ensuring compiance with the policy.