What’s Behind the 2011 Success Rates?

January 20, 2012

I’m going to discuss the fiscal year 2011 research project grant success rates, and in doing so, I’m showing you a few screen shots from the NIH Funding Facts tool on RePORT, so you see how easy it is to use the site yourself to find some nifty information.

A Year of Blogging

January 19, 2012

It’s really hard to believe I’ve been blogging for a year now. I find the blog to be an extraordinarily good way to maintain a dialogue with you, the extramural community.

New Changes for the AREA Program

December 23, 2011

Last month I told you about our small business programs, and it got me thinking that many people might not be aware of the many NIH programs that exist beyond the scope of the R01. One such program is the Academic Research Enhancement Award.