April 15, 2013
It’s been a little over six months since Hurricane Sandy, and many NIH grantees are still experiencing the effects of this major disaster. About a month after the storm I traveled to NYU, once with members of my staff, and again with NIH director Francis Collins to survey the damage. As Francis described on his blog, the amount of damage we saw was truly devastating. ….
April 11, 2013
The primary goal of the NIH Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD) biomedical research workforce working group was the creation of pathways through undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral training that provide excellent preparation for biomedical research careers in a timely fashion, and that ensure future US competitiveness and innovation in biomedical research. In their report, the working group members described how they were “frustrated and sometimes stymied” by the quality of the data available on the biomedical research workforce, …
April 8, 2013
I’d like to spotlight two funding opportunity announcements that mark the beginning of novel initiatives for improving diversity in the biomedical research workforce.
March 28, 2013
Even regular Rock Talk readers might not be familiar with all the ways my office, the Office of Extramural Research (OER), supports NIH’s mission and works with extramural researchers. ….
March 22, 2013
In August I presented data regarding the well-known increase in applications to NIH over the past decade. In “More Applications, Many More Applicants” we looked at the source of increase in competing applications, and presented data on the numbers of unique NIH applicants per year. ….
March 15, 2013
Early in his tenure as director of NIH, Francis Collins detailed five major areas of opportunity for NIH research. One of these areas is an increased focus on global health. An emphasis on global health research is nothing new at NIH; the lead story in the inaugural issue of the NIH Record newsletter in 1949 described NIH’s efforts to combat disease in Africa. ….
March 8, 2013
I’m eager to tell you about another important biomedical workforce-related initiative that NIH is launching based on the Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD) working group recommendations. This initiative seeks to expand existing research training and allow research institutions to best prepare their trainees for a variety of research-related career outcomes. ….
March 4, 2013
This morning I sent a letter to the signing officials at NIH -funded institutions about the sequestration order signed by the President on Friday. We have posted the letter on the Office of Extramural Research website and I am copying it here for your information.
February 28, 2013
In December I wrote about the exciting announcements presented at the Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD) meeting to address their recommendations on how to best support the future of biomedical research.
February 21, 2013
As I noted in my last post on the K99/R00 program and predoctoral fellowships, we have made some progress on implementing some of the recommendations proposed by the Advisory Committee to the NIH Director (ACD) working group that studied the biomedical research workforce. There are many more components to this complex initiative…