3. Clarification: What is the cap on graduate student compensation?

July 1, 2010

Answer from the June 2010 Nexus clarified below: For a graduate student supported by an NIH research grant or cooperative agreement (non-NRSA), NIH will not award more than the zero level of the National Research Service Award (NRSA) stipend for postdoctoral fellows in effect at the time the grant award is issued. However, institutions may … Continue reading “3. Clarification: What is the cap on graduate student compensation?”

Personalized RePORTER

July 1, 2010

NIH recently added a new feature called MyRePORTER to the RePORT Expenditures and Results (RePORTER) tool. With MyRePORTER, you can create an account to save and manage your queries. When logged into your MyRePORTER account, press the “Save Query” button on the hit list page to save your search criteria. Stay tuned for additional functions … Continue reading “Personalized RePORTER”

Peer Inside a Study Section

July 1, 2010

NIH’s Center for Scientific Review has produced a pair of videos to give you an inside look at how scientists from across the country review NIH grant applications for scientific and technical merit. New and established applicants will find insights and understanding that can empower them to improve their applications and increase their chances for … Continue reading “Peer Inside a Study Section”

Podcasts Released: Career Development Awards and Thoughts for Graduate Students

July 1, 2010

Listen to Dr. Henry Khachaturian, Director of Policy and Liaison Activities, Division of Loan Repayment, discuss “Using Career Development Awards to Achieve Independence” and learn more about mentored career development awards, including what they are, how to select the right one, and what to address in your application. Then Dr. Rod Ulane, NIH Research Training … Continue reading “Podcasts Released: Career Development Awards and Thoughts for Graduate Students”

Investing in Translational Research

July 1, 2010

Translational research, transforming discoveries made the in the laboratory into treatments and improvements to health for patients, is an important, yet difficult task. Many promising therapeutic targets are uncovered as part of basic biomedical research, but the path to actually demonstrating clinical potential is long and expensive. Many discoveries languish at this transition point. NIH and the federal government have several programs to address this gap, including the Therapeutic Discovery Program for which applications are soon due.

Federal-wide Efforts to Develop Common Forms

July 1, 2010

The Federal Financial Report and the Research Performance Progress Report, the result of two Federal-wide streamlining efforts, will relieve grantees from the administrative burdens associated with the array of different forms and systems used by Federal research funding agencies.