NIH All About Grants Podcast: Growing ORCIDs

headshot of Dr. Trawick
Dr. Bart Trawick, NLM

Similar to what NIH supported trainees and fellows must do, senior and key personnel designated on NIH grant applications will be required to have an ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identification) linked to their eRA Commons profile in May 2025. But why wait until then to join thousands of scientists who have already done so…

Dr. Bart Trawick, who leads the Customer Services Section within the National Library of Medicine’s National Center for Biotechnology Information, will tell us the benefits of growing ORCIDs in the scientific community in this episode of the NIH All About Grants podcast (check out the video too!). We will discuss where these unique digital identifiers came from, why they are important, how they are integrated into NIH applications (and those from other federal funders), where to go with questions, and much more. 

“It’s really easy to register for this and it’s free. So anyone at any time can go over to ORCID and register for one of these identifiers and start to use it right away. It’s going to help you as you publish your papers…ORCID is really good at surveying the landscape of scientific literature and adding anything it sees with your ORCID identifier right into your profile. And once it’s in there, you can use it in ScienCV.” – Dr. Bart Trawick  

Come see us in action! Check the NIH Grants YouTube channel for our first video release of an NIH All About Grants conversation.

NIH’s All About Grants episodes can also be heard on Apple PodcastsSpotify, and on the NIH Grants YouTube channel. Have an idea for a future podcast? Email We love suggestions!

One comment

  1. There is considerable overlap between ORCID and ResearcherID through Pubmed, is there a reason we need to maintain both? can they be consolidated? If not, can the synchronization between them be improved?

    Also, both are very cumbersome to keep updated compared to google scholar. Google automatically emails me when a manuscript is published and I just click a button to say ‘yes, add this to my profile’. Would be great if ORCID could do something similar, or if it allowed synching/import from Scholar. Yes, some journals now include ORCID ids as part of the publishing process, but not all, so I still have to check and see which papers ORCID has, and then enter the info for any that are missing.

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