You may submit data as post-submission material under the special exception for the COVID-19 pandemic if:
- The timing is after submission of your grant application but before peer review. Unless stated otherwise in the Funding Opportunity Announcement, the deadline for post-submission materials is 30 days before the review meeting.
- The data material is not intended to correct oversights or errors discovered after submission of the application.
- The Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) used for submission allowed preliminary data in the application. If this applies to you, see NIH Will Continue to Accept Preliminary Data as Post-Submission Material Through August/October 2021 Councils for more details, including deadlines.
For videos, please follow the directions in NOT-OD-18-093 and NOT-OD-20-061.
- You must demonstrate concurrence of your Authorized Organization Representative.
- You must send the post-submission materials directly to the Scientific Review Officer who is managing the review of your application.
For step-by-step directions for all other materials, please refer to our previous post, “How Do I Submit Post-Submission Materials for My Application?”
Still have questions? Please reach out to NIH for assistance.