Temporary Extension of Eligibility for the NIH K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award During COVID-19 Pandemic


Due to disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, NIH will be providing up to a two-receipt cycle extension (roughly eight additional months) of eligibility for prospective applicants meeting the requirements for submission of a K99/R00 application from the June/July 2020 due dates through the February/March 2021 due dates.

For more details, see the full Guide Notice.


    1. We recommend reaching out to a Program Officer to discuss *exactly* what junior faculty/associate research scientists means at Yale. Individuals are NOT eligible if they have currently or previously held an independent research faculty or tenure-track faculty position, or its equivalent, in academia, industry or elsewhere. However, junior faculty have been able to submit for K99s when they can show they still receive/need mentorship and are not independent.

  1. All postdocs are being negatively affected by COVID-19, and it seems to me that the extension of eligibility should go beyond those people who are ready to apply for a K99/R0 on the June/July 2020 due dates through the February/March 2021 due dates. In particular, postdocs who have young children are being negatively impacted. For example, a postdoc in my lab is working in shifts at lab due to density limitations, has limited access to microscopes that are essential for gathering her data, and is juggling care of her 2 year old with her husband who works full time and the available daycare schedule. This postdoc is talented and should apply for a K99, but I’m concerned that this COVID-19 research slow down is going to delay publication of key papers that would be needed to make her competitive for a K99. Please consider extending eligibility for all postdocs.

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