Understanding Lead-time for NIH Staff Participation in Scientific Meetings

December 16, 2013

Attending scientific meetings and research conferences is an important way for NIH extramural scientists to stay connected with their communities and keep up with scientific advances. …. when academic and professional societies want NIH representation we have to balance our abilities to send people out with what the budget will allow. One thing that helps in this regard, particularly when we have additional layers of approval on travel, is to plan early. So, when thinking about inviting an NIH staff member to speak at a conference or other event, it’s important to understand our timelines. ….

Training Experiences at NIH

December 6, 2013

Remember that our report on the Biomedical Research Workforce indicated that about 6% of US-trained biomedical PhDs end up in government research? Well, most of those talented individuals are here at NIH conducting research across the full gamut of disciplines. But did you know that NIH also is a dynamic training environment for the next generation of biomedical researchers? ….

January 1, 2014: NIH Closed for Federal Holiday

November 30, 2013

NIH (including help desks) will be closed Wednesday, January 1, 2014 (New Year’s Day).  If a postmark/submission date falls on this federal holiday, the application deadline is automatically extended to the next business day.

How Should I Format an NIH Grant Number in my Publications?

November 30, 2013

When citing your NIH grant in your research publications, include the activity code (eg., R01), and two-letter institute code (eg., GM) followed by the serial number (including any including any leading zeros), and leave out any separating spaces or dashes. So, a proper grant number citation would look like this: R01GM987654 Citing the grant number … Continue reading “How Should I Format an NIH Grant Number in my Publications?”

Grants.gov Downtime Means Adjusted December Due Dates

November 30, 2013

Grants.gov – the portal for grants submission across all Federal agencies, including NIH – is ready for a scheduled tune-up, and will be taken offline December 6 through December 9 for maintenance. As announced in an NIH Guide Notice earlier this month, NIH is adjusting due dates as follows: Funding Opportunity Original Due Date New Due … Continue reading “Grants.gov Downtime Means Adjusted December Due Dates”

Dispelling Rumors on NIH Application Limits

November 14, 2013

I have seen the very recent report and follow-on discussions that NIH is considering asking institutions to limit grant applications as a way to control demand. Let me present the facts. You may remember the dialogue we had back in October 2011 on how NIH should manage science in fiscally challenging times. The option of limiting applications was raised at that time but was discarded at the outset and we are not pursuing it now. ….

What’s Trending in PhD Fields of Study for NIH Trainees and Fellows?

November 14, 2013

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the NIH Data Book on RePORT.nih.gov contains biomedical workforce data from NIH databases as well as data from national surveys sponsored by NSF and NIH. I thought it would be interesting to highlight the data on what’s trending for NIH-supported trainees and fellows receiving PhDs, in terms of fields of study.