Weigh In on Changes to the Biosketch
I wanted to let you know about a request for information we just issued to collect opinions on a proposal to modify the NIH biographical sketch that is used as part of your NIH application.
I wanted to let you know about a request for information we just issued to collect opinions on a proposal to modify the NIH biographical sketch that is used as part of your NIH application.
Science is fascinating, and all of us are immersed in a swirl of communication about our work. Whether in a conversation to someone in your lab; in a manuscript, grant application, presentation at scientific meeting; or even with friends and family, you are conveying information about science.
I have just participated in the QUEST for Research Excellence program where I spoke on a number of issues that affect research integrity. Since it has been on my mind, I thought I’d blog on the topic.
The Office of Management and Budget just published a notice in the Federal Register asking for public comment on potential reforms to federal grant policies contained in OMB circulars such as A-21, A-133, and A-122.
Last December (2010), we commissioned a study by the Institute of Medicine to assess whether chimpanzees are or will be necessary for biomedical and behavioral research. This week, the IOM issued its findings in its report “Chimpanzees in Biomedical and Behavioral Research: Assessing the Necessity.”
You probably saw the Guide Notice that we sent out earlier this week about accelerating American Recovery and Reinvestment Act projects that may run beyond September 30, 2013.
I wanted to let our community know that last week our Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare announced that NIH will adopt the 8th edition of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.
You may remember back in June I asked for your input regarding revisions to the current OMB Circular A-21.
Mark your calendars for a financial conflict of interest webinar on November 30th from 2 to 3:30 pm eastern time. I, and others, will describe what has changed since the regulation was revised and how the changes will affect you.
I’m very pleased to announce that the Department of Health and Human Services is issuing a final rule in the Federal Register revising the regulations on financial conflicts of interest of extramural investigators.