Supporting Small Business Across the Country
While most of the conversation here on Rock Talk, particularly in the comments, is about research at academic institutions and non-profit organizations, NIH also funds researchers at small businesses. ….
While most of the conversation here on Rock Talk, particularly in the comments, is about research at academic institutions and non-profit organizations, NIH also funds researchers at small businesses. ….
At the Advisory Committee to the Director’s meeting today and yesterday, NIH director Francis Collins, NIH deputy director Lawrence Tabak, and I presented some exciting new initiatives in support of the future of biomedical research.
In August I let you know about an upcoming collaboration opportunity allowing extramural researchers to use the amazing resources of the NIH Clinical Center and collaborate with intramural researchers here at NIH. I’m happy to announce that the official funding opportunity announcement (FOA) was published Wednesday: Opportunities for Collaborative Research at the NIH Clinical Center (PAR-13-029).
We have heard from many of you about the policy to sunset A2 applications. As you may remember, this policy was developed as part of NIH efforts to enhance peer review. There were concerns that applications were piling up in a “queue” and subject to a holding pattern that delayed funding until the resubmission (A1 and A2) stages, and as a consequence highly meritorious science proposed in original (A0) applications was made to wait additional months for funding.
Today NIH Director Francis Collins announced an important decision on how to optimize substance use, abuse, and addiction research at NIH through organizational change. ….
Most researchers are familiar with our public access policy which is central to the NIH mission. It ensures NIH-funded research is accessible to everyone so that, collectively, we can advance science and improve human health. You’ve provided access at an impressive rate which has allowed many people to see the publications that result from NIH-funded research.
I’m delighted to announce that this week NIH has posted the first funding opportunity announcement (FOA) that will use electronic submission for multi-project applications.
I want to let Rock Talk readers know about a new NIH voice in the science blogosphere – NIH Director Francis Collins! He’ll be blogging at, ….
My thoughts are with everyone affected by Hurricane Sandy, and I am deeply sympathetic to the struggles of those who continue to feel the aftermath of this destructive storm. The immediate and long term economic and emotional costs of natural disasters such as Sandy can be overwhelming.
We all know postdocs don’t spend every moment at the bench. I think everyone would agree that attending a professional meeting and presenting research results is a critical part of a postdoc’s expected responsibilities. However, lately we’ve had a number of inquiries about which activities postdoctoral fellows are allowed to perform as part of their official duties supported by NIH grants.