Away For a Bit? Delegate Your Tasks in eRA Commons


Are you a signing official or principal investigator planning to be away from the office?  Do not let award management tasks pile up in your absence. Simply use the delegation feature in eRA Commons to allow others to act on your behalf. To accommodate scheduled absences and the need for assistance with award management tasks, delegation of specific duties and privileges are baked into the design of eRA Commons. 

Open the Admin (Account Management) module and click the Delegations menu option to work with delegations. Delegation capabilities vary based on your role and the authority being delegated. Scientific roles, such as a principal investigator (PI) can do direct delegations of their authorities (progress report, Status, Personal Profile, xTrain) to another PI or assistant.  

Signing officials (SOs) and business officials have an additional ability to delegate privileges on behalf of another user. This might be done if a PI is unexpectedly unavailable and someone else needs to work on their progress report.  SOs can also delegate institutional authority, which is the authority to act on behalf of an institution or organization. For instance, usually only SOs can submit reports for an award, but institutional authority granted by an SO to a PI enables the PI to submit these reports.  

Any user can delegate Personal Profile authority, so that others can update their Personal Profile.  

See instructions and a complete list of who can delegate which authorities in the Delegations online help topic. Also learn more about delegations on the Manage Delegation webpage.  

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