Reminder to Review Accuracy of Grant Information Before October 3, 2024


We make data on all funded NIH grants available to the public on the RePORT website. One of the ways we provide information is by school/department, which you can explore using the Awards by Location feature. Because of inconsistencies in the way information on department and school names are provided in grant applications, recipient officials may want to make changes in how that information is reflected in NIH systems. See this Nexus post for more on how and why schools and departments are assigned to NIH grants.

NIH’s fiscal year ends on September 30, 2024, so now is the time for signing officials to verify the accuracy of their grant assignments to departments or components within institutions of higher education using the Grant Re-assign capability in eRA Commons. Since the data in these files are “frozen” annually to ensure the reporting files produce consistent and meaningful results, any corrections must be made by 8:00 PM EDT on Thursday, October 3, 2024, to be reflected in NIH annual reports.

NIH Guide Notice NOT-OD-24-167 includes additional information on what authorized organization representatives or signing officials should know on how to verify information, make corrections, and more.

Resource: Steps for SO to Re-assign an Award in the eRA Commons online help.  


  1. Will there be a refresh of the data tomorrow on the 2nd? Corrections need to be made by the 3rd, but awards with start dates of 9/30/2024 aren’t appearing on this Tuesday’s (October 1st) update. If there isn’t another update until next Tuesday October 8th that leaves a number of awards potentially uncorrectable. It would be very helpful if NIH would include issued awards with future start dates so they could be checked as awarded, but in the absence of that a schedule of data refreshes at the end of the fiscal year would be appreciated.

    1. While changes that occur before each Friday evening will appear on RePORTER and Awards by Location and Organization websites on the following Monday, the listings in eRA Commons happen in real time and should be considered official for FY2024 until the deadline for correction.

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